404 pages are now editable

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What are 404 pages?

The 404 page on a website is displayed when there is a request for a page that cannot be found on the site. So for example, just goto http://www.bbc.co.uk/load-of-old-noncense.

So why would I want to edit them?

Because they are your customers and they are not finding what they are looking for – this is bad!

So what content should I add to the 404 page?

If you could try and second guess why they are on the 404 page and start from there. So example content could be:

  • Links to direct them to the CTA or content you might want to draw attention to.
  • An apology – they have landed there our of no fault of their own (more than likely) and so you are not serving them

Any examples of good 404 pages?

As with most things in life, the starting point is google:

Example 1 Example 2

How do I edit my 404 page on Mira.cx?

Admin > Settings > Languages

Editing your 404 Message
Editing your 404 Message


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