5 Things to do today to improve the SEO on your conference-website.co.uk
1. Add your site to Freebase
Freebase is a “A community-curated database of well-known people, places, and things”. We advise that you submit your event. If possible, add your event to the topic and not as an event.
WHY: well why not? It’s another link and it ads credibility.
HOW: visit https://www.freebase.com/ and follow your nose. It’s quite tricky and can be very involved. But it’s quite easy to add your domains only.
2. Add your site to Bing and Google Webmaster tools.
Of course, this assumes that you have setup on webmaster tools already. if not, why not, please do this now – instructions to add your event website to google webmaster tools?
WHY: well why not? It’s another link and it ads credibility.
HOW: http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
Add your event to klout –
“Klout helps people be discovered for their unique passions.”
WHY: You’ve guessed it – why not? It’s another link and it ads credibility. It will also help you manage your Social Media Campaigns.
HOW: http://klout.com/home
Add to Wikipedia – careful – there is a guide on CIPR.co.uk (Paper on personalization of results – http://www.cipr.co.uk/content/policy-resources/best-practice-guides-toolkits/wikipedia-and-public-relations)
Use Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/) to promote your photos. Make the photos Global rights and include keyword rich keywords in the description. With luck another website will pick them up and reuse them. They will need to credit the rights to the photos to you.